Staphylococcus Aureus - Gram Positive Bacterium

Thursday 30 June 2011

Staphlococcus Aureus which I will hence forth refer to as only Staph, is a gram positive bacteria which is found in the skin areas of the nose and on the skin. So basically a huge population of human beings are permanent carries of this bacteria. Staph can cause a range of minor skin infections and illnesses such as  pimples,impetigo,furuncles or boils as they are commonly known, cellulities follculitis, carbuncles, scalded skin syndrome and abscesses. The life threatening illnesses caused by staph are pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome (TSS), chest pain, bacteremia, and sepsis.
Methicillin-resistant S. aureus, abbreviated MRSA is greatly feared strain of the Staph which has become resistant to most antibiotics. Otherwise Staph generally responds very will to pencillin based antibiotic treatments.
READ MORE - Staphylococcus Aureus - Gram Positive Bacterium

The Most Common Bacteria - E.coli

Possibly the most common bacterias' are the Escherichia Coli commonly known as E.Coli.This strain of Gram negative bacteria is commonly found in the lower intestines of warm blooded organisms. Most strains of E.coli are harmless and are part of the gut. But some serotypes can cause Food Poisoning and other digestive related problems.

General E.Coli infections due to a virulent strain are Gastroenteritis, Urinary Tract Infections and neonatal meningitis , In some very rare situations they are known to cause Septicaemia and Gram-Neg Pneumonia.

In most cases Bacterial infections are treated by antibiotics , but E.coli strains have varied sensitivity to different range of Antibiotics. Mainly Amoxicillin and semi synthetic pencillins can be used to fight an E.Coli infection, along with ciproflaxcin.

It is widely known that Antibiotic resistant E.Coli can and may pass on the genes responsible for antibiotic resistant species of bacteria such as Stapphylococcus Aureus.
READ MORE - The Most Common Bacteria - E.coli

Bacterias,Viruses and Parasites..

Wednesday 29 June 2011

This blog has been created solely to enlighten each and everyone of you about the different types of organisms, such as Good bacterias, Bad bacterias, viruses and parasites co exist with us. Some of these help us in our lives and some are downright pathogenic and dangerous. So I felt it was a good idea to let each of you know about these organisms and pour some much needed light on what kind of problems, ailments and diseases they cause and what needs to done to find out if one is afflicted by them. This blog is definitely not a medical resource, but certainly is a comprehensive resource. So happy Reading and Researching!
READ MORE - Bacterias,Viruses and Parasites..